Introvert Living with Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety according to, the National Institute of Mental Health, is an intense fear of being watched and judged by others.

Social Anxiety Disorder: More Than Just Shyness

Information about social anxiety disorder, including common signs and symptoms, treatment options, and how to find…

Looking back on my life, I have come to realize that I have lived with some degree of social anxiety throughout the course of my life. I am also a big believer that I am an introvert, according to my behaviors, and countless personality tests. Being an introvert and having social anxiety is very counter-intuitive, but at the same time, correlates with each other.

My experience being an introvert and having social anxiety has been quite the roller coaster. I think having social anxiety actually helps me to cope with being introverted. It just works. Since I have a fear of leaving the house because I may be judged, it is easier just to stay home in my little bubble and be comfortable. I also never thought that being introverted would cause social anxiety. Not wanting to be around others can strike fear and anxiety in itself. When this happens, I’m thinking if I stay in, then people will think I never socialize or leave the house. If I leave, then I have the risk of being anxious. It is just an endless cycle, that I want to break.

How I Cope with Social Anxiety

I want to share with you how I cope with social anxiety while being an introvert. This is no easy feat and this is something I am still working on every day. So how exactly do I cope with social anxiety? Well, it started with baby steps. It involves stepping out of my comfort zone and taking risks. This is no easy task, but with patience, it can be achieved. Having the ability to not care what people think of you is hard. It has taken me the majority of my life to realize that you only need to focus on yourself and not what others think. Yes, it is important to have mentors or people you can trust with advice, but ultimately YOU are the only one living YOUR life. No one is living your life for you!

Coping with social anxiety has been hard, but I have found relief through medication, therapy, support, and self-care. The combination of all these things has been great for my mental health. Having a consistent routine each day or week is really important in combating my social anxiety. All of these things push me to want to do better and overcome any challenges that may be in my way. Taking that first leap of faith, when leaving the house, and trusting myself to fight through the anxiety has helped me tremendously.