I Need a Break

Normalize getting breaks from your kids.

My husband and 1 recently decided to have our daughter stay with her grandparents for the summer. This was not an easy decision, but it was much needed for the whole family. 

Having a mental health condition while raising a child is one of the most difficult things I have ever done. The age range that my daughter is in right now makes things especially challenging for me. I have severe anxiety and depression, so getting a break from my daughter was something that was needed. However, I couldn’t stand the thought of her being away from me for the whole summer. My husband and I needed a reset and time for me to get back on track. 

Yes, I miss her like crazy but I also think this is something that people should start to normalize. One, it’s healthy for the child to get time with other family members, and two, it gives the parents a break or reset. 

For me, this time to myself has been so restful and given me a chance to recharge. I also got to work with my therapist on my own schedule as well as get my medications adjusted. 

Having a break allowed my husband and I to get much-needed time together and focus on our health and relationship. We haven’t had this time to ourselves in over 3 years. 

I still can’t wrap my head around that I have Schizoaffective disorder vs Bipolar 1. Living with Schizoaffective disorder is something I never thought I would have to deal with. Although, my symptoms have drastically improved. I have been able to come off of two medications (a mood stabilizer and an anti-depressant). 

I do look forward to getting back to taking care of my daughter and having that routine again. Going through this experience has given me time to focus on myself. Fully understanding my diagnosis is a goal I have for the future, but for now, I want to reiterate that it is so important to get time to take care of your mental health outside of your kids. It is for sure hard, but worth it and rewarding for the whole family. You can’t take care of your kids if you can’t take care of yourself first. Please get those breaks if you are able and willing!